Sunday, May 16, 2010

I told the girls I would make them smoothies while they picked up their rooms. They did then started arguing about who was going to pick up the last toy?? So after sitting in thier rooms for a while they came down to get their snack...and WOW I have never heard so many Thank You's & this is so Yummy, I might have to send them to thier rooms more often!!!   Oh and check out the strawberries they were Huge!
Kaily at her preschool Graduation, with her teacher Miss. Lindasy. Kaily was very nervous, and kept asking if we could sit in the front row so she could see us.  Can't belive our baby is going to Kindergarten :(
Jadyn's Kindergarten program. She didn't smile through the whole thing? Later she told me that she didn't smile on purpose..Why? Because she didn't want to!! So much for cute pictures!! But check out the jeans we found out a way to wear her skinny jeans in the summer, don't know if I will ever be able to get rid of them?