Friday, April 30, 2010

Look closely Jadyn lost her first tooth, and her responce "hu guess it's out" I think I was more excited than she was.
But the reason for this picture is the outfit... She came down stairs this morning and I gave her a look and she said "what  Katie wears it like this"   Thanks Aunt Katie!!!   Jadyn can never just put on a simple outfit, or play clothes, it all has to match. One day we were getting ready to go and she wanted to wear her skinny jeans, but not flip flops, but none of her shoes matched!!! OMGosh do I need to remind her that she is only 6??? Boy am I going to really have my hands full in a few years!!!
Alyssa and her friend Nicole, hanging out after their 6th grade music program.  Its hard to belive they are getting so big, 6th grade is almost over :( I'm not ready for her to grow up any more!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Braylee came for a visit this week so we all got to play with her, she is already getting so big! The girls had alot of fun with her holding her, trying to get her to smile and laugh. It is probable a good thing she doesn't live to close or they would have her compleatly spoiled!!

Jadyn trying to steal the spotlight!